Do you feel left out when you visit coffee houses with friends and can't eat those tall, moist, crumbly, yummy muffins on display?
Start enjoying delicious muffins today!
- 26 gluten free muffin recipes
- 1 gluten free flour mix recipe
You don't need to be gluten free to enjoy these delicious, nutritious muffins! Coffee House Muffins to Make at Home unlocks the secrets to making a variety of tasty gluten free muffins for everyone to enjoy!
What's Included
- 26 simple, delicious gluten free muffin recipes
- 1 recipe for making your own gluten free flour mix that works for these recipes
- Nutritional information for each recipe
- Easy preparation instructions and tips
- Gluten free kitchen tips
- Breakfast Muffins
- Savoury Muffins
- Fruit Muffins
- Dessert Muffins
- Chocolate Muffins
- 19 of the recipes are naturally dairy free
- 3 more have dairy free options
- 19 recipes are nut free
Simple Preparations
Muffins are one of the easiest things to bake, so they're a good place to start when you need to eat gluten free or prepare food for someone who does. These recipes use very basic kitchen equipment and simple preparation steps.
Home baking does not need to be complicated or difficult. I'll guide you along your path to yummy muffins!
Here are a few of my favourites

Who is this book for?
- Do you need to eat gluten free?
- Do you prepare food for someone who is gluten free?
- Do you feel better when you eat better?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you.
- whipping up a batch of muffins at a moment's notice because you have a perfect gluten free flour mix on hand
- sharing freshly baked muffins that you can eat yourself with friends and family
- choosing a fresh, berry muffin one time and a savoury cheese muffin another
- saving money by baking your muffins at home rather than paying cafe prices
- having a portable, healthful snack to take with you when you go out
- learning a simple, standard muffin-making procedure that yields great results every time